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New Information Import IRS-Data in Super Structured Format dialog box, which provides all the details about satellite data.Ĥ. in the Output file enter pan.img and click OK. Choose the format by using drop down list, select IRS-1C/1D(Super Structured format) and browse Input File pan/product1/imagery.pan.


On erdas imagine software ribbon click on Manage menu, click on tool bar Import Data to get import dialog box.Ģ. To Import IRS 1C/1D Satellite Data (Super Structured Format). img file format) files into other several data formats. The Export function lets convert image (ERDAS IMAGINE. Importing of NRSC Satellite Data The ERDAS IMAGINE Import function allows importing a wide variety of data types to use with ERDAS IMAGINE and other Software. Select top left corner list box option from map to lat./long., so for known values on toposheet grid this software interface values has to be very close to each other values. On viewer menu click on utility/inquiry cursor, place the cross hair to the know location (where longitude and latitude values are printed on Toposheet). Open the resampled output file (topo-poly.img) in a viewer to verify the output file. Same viewer removes other layers from contents box by RMB click remove layer.Ģ1. On Reproject Images dialog box provide TOPO_POLY, ignore zero stats and click OK.ī. Save the custom projection as in Polyconic new category and use the same projection from standard projection tab to select polyconic-india then click ok.Ī. Then click on Save button and save projection as polyconic-india in category polyconic click OK. Polyconic Everest 1956 Indian (India, Nepal) 77 07 30 14 37 30 Projection Type Spheriod Name Datum Name Longitude of central meridian Latitude of origin of projection On Projection Chooser window click on custom tab to provide input under as parameter. Reproject Images dialog box appears to change projection system as Polyconicġ9. On erdas imagine software ribbon click on Multispectral menu, click on Transform & Orthocorrect submenu Reproject to reproject the georefrenced geographic toposheet into polyconic projection.ġ8. As after removing toposheet non-georefrenced image from contents by clicking LMB remove layer then open the resampled output topo-geo image in same viewer.ġ7. Click on Multipoint Geometric correction tool display resampling image dialog, Resample dialog box provide TOPO-GEO as output name on ERDASOUT directory to take resample output and make sure to ignore zero stats.ġ6. Create a folder name ERDASOUT on your local drive where output data a be saved.

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As after placing GCP points, save the points by clicking file/save input and save reference in multipoint geometric correction window. Follow the same step for remaining another 12 GCP points on the toposheet grid. then software starts point prediction automatically on the toposheet, if it is required adjust the same GCP point to the exact location. As after third point onwards point reference values need to provide as input for column Xref. Follow the same above step to create second and third point on toposheet on other grid corner.ġ2. to enter 14 45’, type 14 press space bar then type 45).ġ1. For same GCP point input value for X Ref 77 and Y Ref 14 45(to input values use space bar eg. GCP point gets placed at corner of toposheet map grid then GCP point input values comes as in GCP Tool (X input and Y input). Move the mouse cursor on the viewer, cursor will turn as ‘+’ like cross sign on the viewer then take cursor to the top left corner of the grid on the toposheet and click LMB button. Click Create GCP icon on Multipoint Geometric Correction tool bar. Note: There are 16 reference points in a Topo sheet the lat/lon values of all these points are shown on the Topo sheet.ĩ. Polynomial Model Properties dialog box appears, click Close to proceed.

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On Projection Chooser window click on the Custom Tab and set projection parameter as – Projection TypeĨ. Click on Reference Map Information click on Set to get the Projection chooser dialog box.ħ. GCP Tool Reference Setup dialog box appears to collect Geographical reference point source, select the option Keyboard Only for toposheet map then click OK.Ħ. Select Polynomial as on Set Geometric Model on Model list and click OK.ĥ. On erdas imagine software ribbon click on Multispectral menu, click on Transform & Orthocorrect submenu control points to provide Geometric model.Ĥ. New dialog box appears to Select Layer to Add then select 57f2.tiff file, click OK to open.ģ. Open Raster toposheet data into viewer by using RMB click on the screen.Ģ. To Geo-Reference scanned raster SOI surveyed toposheet data. Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button Middle Mouse Button

Mappoint free download 2011